Monday, June 29, 2009

type 2 diabetes mellitus

Persons around 4th decade with chronic skin infection should check their blood glucose level, they could be a victim of Type 2 diabetes Mellitus.

often Type 2 diabetes patients are diagnosed during routine lab studies ( often asymptomatic), some may presents as increased urination and thirst. Chronic skin infections, genital ulcers in both men and women.
Other symptoms could be, weakness , fatigue, recurrent blurred vision, peripheral neuropathy,

Obesity and associated family history makes you more vulnerable to type 2 diabetes.

The diagnostic criteria for type 2 diabetes:

ð fasting plasma glucose 126 mg/dl and above.
ð Two hours after glucose load 200 mg/ dl and above.

Other laboratory findings are:
1. In urine sample one could find glucosuria , ketonuria( increased Ketone bodies)

2. In blood testing procedures GTT ( glucose tolerance test), Glycated hemoglobin measurements, serum fructosamine, can be done to monitor the diabetes.

Treatment includes a well balanced diet, which includes 45-60% of total daily calories in the form of carbohydrates, 25-35 % in the form of fat ( of which less then 7% are from saturated fat ) 10- 35 % in form of protein. Regular physical exercise .routine check up of eyes , foot.
Taking alternative for sugar such as artificial sweeteners.
Taking appropriate medicines for treating hyperglycaemia from consultant which includes anti hyperglycaemic drugs , insulin etc..

Monday, June 22, 2009

diabetes risk factor

Diabetes risk factors

Are you at risk –Know it yourself,

1. No diabetes in parents 0
2. One parent is diabetic 5
3. Both parents are diabetic 10

1. Less then 35 years 0
2. Age between 35 – 49 years 5
3. More then 50 years 10

1. Waist less then 80cm in female,
Less then 90 cm in male. 0
2. Waist between 80-89cm in female,
90-99cm in male. 5
3. waist more then 90cm in female,
More then 100cm in male. 10

1. regular exercise or work out 0
2. mild to moderate exercise or physical
Activity . 5
3. No exercise / sedentary activities 10

If the score is…….

30 and above , you are at high risk of having diabetes,
Between 15- less then 30 , the risk of having diabetes is moderate.
Less then 15 , risk of having diabetes s probably low.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

diabetic foot care

Believe it or not, diabetes can actually have adverse effects on your feet. You may think that diabetes is only a disease that affects your blood sugar and internal functions, but it can actually have some external effects, and those are most noticeable on your feet.
The main thing that diabetes does to your feet is either reduce blood flow or desensitize the nerve endings in your feet. This means that you do not have the same sensation in your feet, and it may be more difficult for you to detect potential problems. If not inspected frequently, a small blister can turn into a serious health problem. Even a wart can have a bad effect on your overall health.
There are a few things that you should do if you have diabetes to take care of your feet.
Look at your feet daily
This may sound like a pretty obvious tip, but really, when was the last time you thoroughly examined your own feet. Not lately, right? A lot of people don’t take the effort to inspect their feet for potential problems. As previously stated, if you have a small blister on the bottom of your foot, and you don’t notice it due to the desensitization of your feet, it could turn into a serious health issue. There are numerous other small issues that could escalate if they are not taken care of in a reasonable amount of time. That is why it is very important to thoroughly inspect your feet daily. It only takes a few minutes, but could really save you a lot of hassle.
Be Gentle with your feet
People are rarely gentle with their feet, even if they don’t have diabetes. But, it is important to take care of them, especially is you do have diabetes. Don’t be rough with them when washing them, and don’t try and scrape off calluses or anything else on your skin. Don’t subject them to extreme heat or extreme cold, and try to keep them covered as often as possible.
Use moisturizer on your feet
It is important to keep the skin on your feet moisturized and free from cracks or dry skin. Not only will this make them feel better, but it will allow them to be healthy and allow the skin to regenerate successfully. It is important to avoid putting on too much moisturizer, as an excess of moisture can promote fungal growth, especially between your toes.
Get checkups on your feet
People rarely go to podiatrists any more. If you have diabetes, a visit to your foot doctor should happen regularly. It doesn’t have to be every month, but it should happen more than once per year. Just use common sense.
It is important to take care of your feet, whether you have diabetes or not. But, if you are effected by diabetes, it is just that much more important to take good care of your feet. If you follow the above tips, you should not have any foot issues that will affect your health.